Concrete Pier
Concrete Pilings Foundation Repair
A Pressed Concrete Piling is a round cylindrical block that is 12 inches tall and 6 inches in diameter. Most companies buy them from a supplier, and they are all the same from one foundation company to another. Each block is constructed to withstand up to 6,000 pounds per square inch. These blocks are relatively inexpensive to purchase, which is why repairing your home using this material is less expensive than some of the other methods, such as Steel Piers or Concrete Drilled Piers.
Concrete Pier Advantages
Fast Leveling
Pre-cured / tested concrete allows immediate leveling of the structure, and final leveling with steel shims.

Concrete Pier Cost
Concrete Pressed Pilings is the most common method of repair in the DFW area and is approved by most Engineering Firms. Because the material cost is low, the average price of this system is $350.00 per pier, which includes a lifetime transferable warranty.
Dalrock has provided this service to thousands of homeowners in the metroplex, and can provide you with references upon your request.
The installation process consist of 4 steps
Digging a footing under the foundation grade beam using a hand held shovel (no heavy equipment is used to dig the footing).
Using a hydraulic ram, the concrete piling is pushed one on top of another under the grade beam to bedrock or point of refusal.
A cap block is then placed on top of the Pilings.
Using a hydraulic jack on top of the cap block, the foundation is now ready to be lifted. After the lift, the dirt is placed back into the footing.